
One Million YouTube Views

That's right folks, the OsiyoTV episode that featured the MABRC doing research in Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma has hit one million views.  Since the video went live in November of 2019, it has generated 1 million views in such a short time.

Newest BFG Newsletter

The newest Bigfoot Field Guide newsletter has been released for July 27, 2016, to download it, click here

Squatching Rules

Courtesy of Ron Boles, BFRO Missouri

Squatching Rule Number # 1 : Only when you have eliminated all things possible can you look to the impossible as being the truth.

Squatching Rule Number 2 : See Rule Number # 1

Project Silent Hills (Phase 1)

In 2015, the APES (Arkansas Primate Evidence Society) and the MABRC (Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center) conducted a study to see how far suspected "Bigfoot" wood knocks and noises/vocalizations carried in the field environment.  The results produced were major eye openers, as the distance is not as far as previously thought in the Bigfoot Community.
This is the slideshow that was created with the details, data and more related to Phase 1.